Monday, July 13, 2009

Self vs. Self

You've all heard that saying: you are you own worst enemy well, I would have to agree that it's entirely accurate. I believe this afflicts artists and creatives of all types the most. When you become your own enemy, doubt your work or decision, you begin setting up these peculiar obstacles when previously they never existed. These obstacles are usually set up out of fear or in other words: out of ego. When we walk this strange descent, and we all have, it then becomes an
extra mission to to find shortcuts or wonder if you should have have taken that last path. I'm sure this pounds down on all of us at one point or another and when it does bear it's weight,
being in the moment is destroyed and then comes the stumbling. So with that said, I have come up with a few guidelines to help improve us tripping over us:

1. Put something out there!
However extravagant or small it may be. If you are a photographer, writer, someone with an idea or plan, share it. The worst that can happen is that it won't be accepted by the majority or for the worst case, yourself. There is, however a good chance that someone out there, even if it just one person may like what you are trying to do or say. This will then in turn give you a great chance to look back at your work and critique it. I would have to agree this is especially important for musicians and recording. I believe that you simply can not hone your recordings or your style well enough, unless you hear
some thing back. Looking back is important with art of all facets, Look at Salvador Dali's first pieces: They were kind of heinous, nothing but scribbles of black. Now we have known
him as an extraordinary painter, light observer and realistically strange interpreter. The point is that he has came a hell of a long way from pen dabbles.

2. Be in the giving mode and not the receiving.
A piece should be something of an gift and not something we should expect praise from. When we hope fora certain response and do not get it, it's an automatic let down. Give it all you have and that's it, it's simple.

3.Be aware of how you react.
Being aware will break this pattern trap piece by piece. The more conscious we are of our ego, the less of it we have and the more our boundaries begin to crumble.

4. Take a look at other peoples ideas.
Although I don't condone calling those ideas your own. I'm sure james would agree with me that there are few new ones left, but don't be afraid to expand on them. It will probably take you in a direction you thought you wouldn't go. In fact I didn't even have anything to write about until I took this picture of myself. Then that inspired me to take another shot and combine the two.
Inspiration is all around us, in even the most unlikely times and places, you just have to notice it.
Once I noticed it in my own photograph, it got me thinking of self vs self, so here I am, putting my energy out there and saying our worst enemy can be destroyed, if we make him our friend buddy!

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